Building a Coaching Practice
Faster Ramp Up
Creating all the materials, workshops, courseware, administrative forms and more from scratch can take many months. Leveraging a suite of services and templates that you can then further modify if you desire, gets you up and running in a matter of weeks.
Passive Income and Scalability - FAST!
Webinars, workshops and a self-guided course bring scalability to your practice, allowing you to exponentially grow your client base without you having to lift a finger!
You can also leverage these resources to support group coaching - expanding your business even more!
Even More Revenue
Health insurance companies are wising up to the benefits of funding root cause solutions, rather than paying hefty bills for major medical interventions that just manage symptoms. They recognize Health Coaching is a critical component to gaining cost efficiencies, and are starting to include them in the Category III CPT codes.
It's just a matter of time before we see Health Coaching become a Category I service. Get ahead of the curve by having your coaching practice ready to benefit from these changes.
No Expertise Needed
Let someone else worry about getting your content and systems set up for you!
Want training on how to manage it all once it's up and running? That's available too!
Lower Stress Levels
You won't need to worry if what you design and build will work or not, because everything you leverage is already being used in a health coaching practice. The mistakes have already been made, "bugs" have been worked out, lessons fine tuned, and content matured over time to ensure an optimal client experience..
Greater Job Satisfaction
You've worked hard to earn your Health Coach certification - now you want to use it to help heal our world! Getting you up and running more quickly gives you the ability to do that!
Let's Build It!
Design and build your dream coaching service. ​Fully customized to align with your vision. Cost and deployment schedule will vary based on what you're looking to do.
General support: content, services, website design, recruiting a health coach - $65/hr
If you have your coaching vision fully articulated, a statement of work and project cost to build/launch it can be prepared for you.